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As an outdoor educator, I help university students build life skills, good judgment, and resilience through outdoor adventures – just as I have built in my travels.

In 2006, my sister and I planned a trip to Tahiti. We got dive certified just before, and on my 4th ocean dive, I found myself surrounded by 10’ lemon sharks and 6’ black tip reef sharks. Although I used up my gas before anyone else on site, I was hooked.

In 2011, I met Fofo Gonzalez, an avid diver - and we started diving together in California and Cozumel. In 2013 I bought a used DSLR camera and housing system with the goal of learning about photography and precision diving to control task loading.

So I took GUE Fundamentals, and brought my diving to the next level to control my buoyancy and positioning. I practiced a lot and in 2015, I felt ready to add the photo rig to my dive trips.

My first photo trip was with Fofo to Bohol, Philippines and I was so impressed with the capabilities of a DSLR that I have rarely done a dive since without my camera.  Today, I use the same system I bought in 2013, a Nikon D90 with an Aquatica Housing and dual Sea & Sea Y110a strobes. My favorite format is macro, so I use a Nikon 105mm or 60mm lens and a +10 Subsea diopter.  Now my goals are to perfect the creative use of light with macro, and work on wide-angle techniques if the site lends itself more to that.

I love to make diving an excuse to travel to new places, meet new friends, and learn about other cultures. Two of my favorite areas for underwater diversity are the Philippines and Bali. Regardless of the location, I know I’ll never run out of ideas and enthusiasm for exploration.


You can follow Jen on Instagram and Facebook

