OCUPS Meets Every 2nd Tuesday of the Month. We invite all those interested in underwater photography, the curious, novice, advanced, and professional.

As of March 2021 we have resumed in-person meetings, but the location has changed. We still offer the option to attend and participate in the photo contest remotely using Zoom for members only. All members will receive an email prior to each monthly meeting with instructions on how to access the meetings remotely.

Currently in-person meetings are being held at 6082 Edinger Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA. Food and beverages are not available here, but there are restaurants in the area that you might want to meet at before the meeting.

Free Workshop

Starting at 7:00 p.m. there is a short workshop, tech-talk, or sharing opportunity giving tips and advice on topics such as lighting techniques, camera basics, diving equipment for the photographer, and more.


A digital slide show to show images or video from a recent dive trip or photo excursion. Images can be on any subjects of interest relating to marine and underwater photography and should be limited to a maximum of 10 images. The prelude is open to members and non-members alike.

Photo Contest

Members compete by submitting up to three images, and or two video clips, on a specific subject matter prior to the meeting. Voting is done online. Points are awarded to the top three winners in each category. Awards are presented to the years' top winners at the December Awards Banquet.

Main Presentation

Usually a presentation on a new techniques, unusual dive trips or other topic related to underwater photography given by an advanced member or guest speaker.

Contest Winners Announced

Interested in attending a meeting? Send us your email and a message that you would like to attend and we will send you the link for our next meeting.