
Only global changes* are allowed. Any member may choose to be in this category. At the end of the year, the first place winner/s or any member attaining at least 18 points (board confirmed) shall advance to the Open category. Members who have advanced to the Open category and have entered images for at least 6 months but have not accrued more than 6 points, may choose to return to the Traditional category the following year.


Digital manipulation is allowed except for composite imaging (adding to an image). This category includes members who are considered professional or advanced underwater photographers by the OCUPS board or any member wishing to manipulate their images beyond basic global changes*. Open category members who have entered images for at least 6 months but have not accrued more than 6 points may choose to return to the Traditional category the following year.

*Definition of Global Modification:

Changes that affect the entire images, such as cropping, saturation, white balance, levels, sharpening, masking, and contrast. Prohibited modifications would include the use of layers or other tools that are applied to a specific area i.e. brushes, healing, cloning, etc. Contestants may enter images for only one still category in a given year. However, the video category is separate and may be entered independent of the still category. Member eligibility for a category will be determined at the first of the year of when joining the club. Members may choose to move up a category, but not down, during the year, forfeiting all previous points accumulated.

Both 'Traditional' and 'Open' categories are open to cameras of any kind.

The OCUPS board may review eligibility qualifications and request a member to change their category.